Package 'cranet'

Title: Build and Analyze Network of R Packages
Description: Package DESCRIPTION files allows for specifying several types of inter-package relations. These include fields like Depends, Suggests, Enhances etc. This package allows for recovering graph structure based on these relations. Network representation of R repositories enables the user to explore the interconnected space of available R functionality while the developers or repository maintainers can quickly scan package forward and reverse dependencies.
Authors: Michal Bojanowski [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michal Bojanowski <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0-0
Built: 2025-01-27 02:38:41 UTC

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Build and Analyze Network of R Packages


Package DESCRIPTION files allows for specifying several types of inter-package relations. These include fields like Depends, Suggests, Enhances etc. This package and function pkgnet allows for recovering graph structure based on these relations. Network representation of R repositories enables the user to explore the interconnected space of available R functionality while the developers or repository maintainers can quickly scan package forward and reverse dependencies.


Author and maintainter: Michal Bojanowski

Matrix of Available Packages


Snapshot of packages avaiable on CRAN on 2016-08-12


A 8938x17 matrix returned by available.packages with the following column names: “Package”, “Version”, “Priority”, “Depends”, “Imports”, “LinkingTo”, “Suggests”, “Enhances”, “License”, “License_is_FOSS”, “License_restricts_use”, “OS_type”, “Archs”, “MD5sum”, “NeedsCompilation”, “File”, “Repository”.


Fetched from on August 12, 2016.

See Also

available.packages, crannet which is an igraph object built from such matrix.

Snapshot of CRAN packages


Snapshot of CRAN packages made on 2016-08-12


The network object is of class igraph. It is a directed network which contains 9182 packages (vertices) and 47032 inter-package relations (edges). The network, together with vertex and edge attributes is build from the matrix as returned by available.packages, which in turn is based on package DESCRIPTION files.

Available edge attributes: type

Available vertex attributes: name, Version, Priority, License, License_is_FOSS, License_restricts_use, OS_type, Archs, MD5sum, NeedsCompilation, File, Repository.

The network is a multi-graph, i.e. there may be multiple edges between a given pair of nodes. This corresponds to the fact, that package X may, for example, both depend and import package Y. To disentangle the types of relations one can use edge attribute type which identifies a type of inter-package relation. Possible values are of this attribute are: Depends, Enhances, Imports, LinkingTo, Suggests. They come from the respective columns in the matrix returned by available.packages.

See available.packages for the description of the attributes and types of inter-package relations.


Fetched from on August 12, 2016.

Build a network based on package availability matrix


Given the matrix as returned by available.packages construct a graph, of class igraph of inter-package relations.


pkgnet(object, ...)

## Default S3 method:
pkgnet(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
pkgnet(object, ap_args = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
pkgnet(object, enams = c("Depends", "Suggests", "Imports",
  "Enhances", "LinkingTo"), vnams = c("Version", "Priority", "License",
  "License_is_FOSS", "License_restricts_use", "OS_type", "Archs", "MD5sum",
  "NeedsCompilation", "File", "Repository"), ...)



a matrix as returned by available.packages or a character scalar, one of "cran" or "bioc" to fetch and process packages available on CRAN or on Bioconductor, or an URL to a CRAN-like repository.


arguments passed to/from other methods


NULL or list of arguments passed to available.packages


character, names of columns of a that are to be used as edge attributes


character, names of columns of a that are to be used as vertex attributes


The resulting graph (object of class igraph) is a multigraph: there can be multiple relationships between any given pair of vertices. Different types of relations can be disentagled using edge attribute called type. It stores the type of relation as provided with enams argument.


Object of class igraph.

See Also



## Not run: 
a <- available.packages(contrib.url("", "source"))
g <- pkgnet(a)

## End(Not run)