Package 'netseg'

Title: Measures of Network Segregation and Homophily
Description: Segregation is a network-level property such that edges between predefined groups of vertices are relatively less likely. Network homophily is a individual-level tendency to form relations with people who are similar on some attribute (e.g. gender, music taste, social status, etc.). In general homophily leads to segregation, but segregation might arise without homophily. This package implements descriptive indices measuring homophily/segregation. It is a computational companion to Bojanowski & Corten (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2014.04.001>.
Authors: Michal Bojanowski [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michal Bojanowski <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0-3
Built: 2025-02-23 03:00:41 UTC

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netseg: Measures of Network Segregation and Homophily



Segregation is a network-level property such that edges between predefined groups of vertices are relatively less likely. Network homophily is a individual-level tendency to form relations with people who are similar on some attribute (e.g. gender, music taste, social status, etc.). In general homophily leads to segregation, but segregation might arise without homophily. This package implements descriptive indices measuring homophily/segregation. It is a computational companion to Bojanowski & Corten (2014) doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2014.04.001.


Maintainer: Michal Bojanowski [email protected] (ORCID)


Bojanowski, Michał, and Rense Corten. 2014. "Measuring Segregation in Social Networks." Social Networks 39: 14–32. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2014.04.001.

See Also

Useful links:

  • Package homepage:

  • Bug reports:

Assortativity Coefficient


Assortativity coefficient is a measure of segregation for social networks due to Newman & Girvan (2002).


assort(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
assort(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
assort(object, vattr, ...)

## Default S3 method:
assort(object, ...)



R object, see available methods


other arguments to/from other methods


character, name of the vertex attribute for which the measure is to be calculated


The measure evaluates the relative prevalence of within-group ties. It is based on the contact layer of the mixing matrix.

Assortativity coefficient is 1 if all ties are within-group. The minimum can be negative, but not less than -1, and depends on the relative number of ties of nodes in different groups. If the network conforms to "proportionate mixing", the coefficient is 0.

If object is a table it is interpreted as a mixing matrix. Two-dimensional table is interpreted as a contact layer. Three-dimensional table is interpreted as a full mixing matrix mghym_{ghy} cross-classyfying all dyads, in which gg and hh correspond to group membership of ego and alter respectively. Layers y=1y=1 and y=2y=2 are assumed to be non-contact and contact layers respectively.

If object is of class "igraph" it is required to supply vattr with the name of the vertex attribute to calculate intermediate mixing matrix.

For any other classes, object is coerced to a table and the table method is called.


Numeric value of the index.


Newman, M. J. and Girvan, M. (2002) "Mixing patterns and community structure in networks", arXiv:cond-mat/0210146v1

Newman, M. J. (2003) "Mixing patterns in networks" arXiv:cond-mat/0209450v2

See Also

Mixing matrices: mixingm()

Other segregation measures: coleman(), ei(), freeman(), gamix(), orwg(), smi(), ssi()


assort(WhiteKinship, "gender")
assort(EF3, "type")

# Values of `assort()` for full networks of different sizes
if( requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE) ) {
  f <- function(n) {
    gfull <- igraph::make_full_graph(n, directed=FALSE)
    igraph::V(gfull)$type <- rep(1:2, length = igraph::vcount(gfull))
    assort(gfull, "type")
  x <- sort(sample(5:100, 25) * 2)
  y <- sapply(x, f)
  plot(x, y, type="o",
       xlab="Network size", ylab="Assortativity coefficient",
       main="Assortativity coef. for full networks of different sizes")

Pattern of sexual contacts in AMEN study


Contact layer of the mixing matrix of men and women in US based on "Aids in Multi-Ethnic Neighborhoods" (AMEN). Based on Newman (2003).




Four-by-four numeric matrix with dimnames.

#>           female
#> male       black hispanic other white
#>   black      506       32    26    69
#>   hispanic    23      308    38   114
#>   other       10       14    32    47
#>   white       26       46    68   599


Newman, M. (2003) "Mixing patterns in networks" Arxiv:cond-mat/0209450 v2


Catania et al. (1992) "The population-based AMEN (AIDS in Multi-Ethnic Neighborhoods) study" American Journal of Public Health 82, 284-287

Morris, M. (1995) "Data driven network models for the spread of infectious disease". In D. Mollison (ed.) Epidemic Models: Their Structure and Relation to Data, pp. 302-322, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Newman, M. (2003) "Mixing patterns in networks" Arxiv:cond-mat/0209450 v2



# assortativity
ep <- sum(Catania %*% Catania)
( sum(diag(Catania)) - ep ) / ( 1 - ep )

Classroom network


A directed network of ties "with whom do you like to play with?" collected in a school class of 9-year olds. The data comes from a study undertook by Educational Research Institute (Dolata 2014).




Object of class "igraph" with a directed network of size 26. Vertex attributes:

  • gender – with values "Boy" or "Girl".


Dolata, Roman (ed). (2014). Czy szkoła ma znaczenie? Zróżnicowanie wyników nauczania po pierwszym etapie edukacyjnym oraz jego pozaszkolne i szkolne uwarunkowania. Vol. 1. Warsaw: Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych.

Coleman's homophily index


Colemans's homphily index for directed networks.


coleman(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
coleman(object, gsizes = NULL, loops = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
coleman(object, vattr, ...)

## Default S3 method:
coleman(object, ...)



R object, see Details for available methods


other arguments passed to/from methods


numeric vector of group sizes


logical, whether loops are allowed


character, vertex attribute


Coleman's homophily index computes homophily scores for each group defined by a vertex attribute.

If object is a table it is interpreted as a mixing matrix. Two-dimensional table is interpreted as a contact layer. Three-dimensional table is interpreted as a full mixing matrix mghym_{ghy} cross-classyfying all dyads, in which gg and hh correspond to group membership of ego and alter respectively. Layers y=1y=1 and y=2y=2 are assumed to be non-contact and contact layers respectively.

If object is of class "igraph" it is required to supply vattr with the name of the vertex attribute to calculate intermediate mixing matrix.


Vector of numeric values of the index for each group


Coleman, J. (1958) "Relational analysis: The study of social organizations with survey methods", Human Organization 17:28–36.

See Also

Other segregation measures: assort(), ei(), freeman(), gamix(), orwg(), smi(), ssi()


if(requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # Converting networks to directed
  coleman(igraph::as.directed(WhiteKinship, "mutual"), "gender")
  coleman(igraph::as.directed(EF3, "mutual"), "race")

Example data from Figure III of Echenique and Fryer (2006)


Artificial example data from Echenique & Fryer (2006) Figure III representing a city with black and white neighbourhoods.




Object of class "igraph". An undirected network with vertex attributes:

  • name – vertex names of the form "A1" in which letter and number indicate the position in the lattice

  • race – values 1 or 2 indicate the two groups


This data is taken from Echenique & Fryer (2006, figure III). The data represent a fictional city composed of 30 neighborhoods that are either black or white.


Echenique, Federico and Roland G. Fryer, Jr. (2006) "A Measure of Segregation Based On Social Interactions" Quarterly Journal of Economics CXXII(2):441-485


if(requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
    layout = igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold,
    vertex.color = igraph::V(EF3)$type+1, = "",
    sub = "Source: Echenique & Fryer (2006)",
    main = "Neighborhood racial segregation\n in a fictional city"

Krackhard and Stern's E-I index


An index proposed by Krackhard and Stern (1988) to capture relative prevalence of between- and within-group ties. From that perspective it can be interpreted as a measure of network segregation.


ei(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
ei(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
  directed = is.directed(object),
  loops = any(is.loop(object)),

## Default S3 method:
ei(object, ...)



R object, see Details for available methods


other arguments passed to/from other methods


character scalar or vector of length equal to the size of object, vertex attribute for which mixing matrix is to be computed


logical whether the network is directed


logical, whether loops are allowed


If object is a table it is interpreted as a mixing matrix. Two-dimensional table is interpreted as a contact layer. Three-dimensional table is interpreted as a full mixing matrix mghym_{ghy} cross-classyfying all dyads, in which gg and hh correspond to group membership of ego and alter respectively. Layers y=1y=1 and y=2y=2 are assumed to be non-contact and contact layers respectively.

If object is of class "igraph" it is required to supply vattr with the name of the vertex attribute to calculate intermediate mixing matrix.


Numerical value of the E-I index.


Krackhardt, D., & Stern, R. N. (1988). Informal networks and organizational crises: An experimental simulation. Social Psychology Quarterly, 123-140.

See Also

Other segregation measures: assort(), coleman(), freeman(), gamix(), orwg(), smi(), ssi()


ei(WhiteKinship, "gender")

Folding square matrices around the diagonal


Fold a square matrix by collapsing lower triangle on upper triangle, or vice versa, through addition.


fold(x, direction = c("upper", "lower"))



square numeric matrix


character, one of "upper" or "lower", direction of folding


By default, for direction=="upper", the function takes the values in the lower triangle of x and adds them symetrically to the values in the upper triangle. The values on the diagonal remain unchanged. The lower triangle is filled with 0s. If direction=="lower" the upper triangle is collapsed on to the lower triangle.


Square matrix of the same dim as x with the lower (upper) triangle folded onto the upper (lower) triangle.

See Also

upper.tri(), lower.tri(), symmetrize()


(m <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2))
(f1 <- fold(m))
(f2 <- fold(m, "lower"))

stopifnot( all.equal(diag(m), diag(f1)) )
stopifnot( all.equal(diag(m), diag(f2)) )
stopifnot( all.equal(f1[1,2], m[2,1] + m[1,2]) )
stopifnot( all.equal(f2[2,1], m[2,1] + m[1,2]) )

Generalized Freeman's segregation index


Calculate Freeman's segregation index for undirected networks with arbitrary number of groups.


freeman(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
freeman(object, gsizes = NULL, loops = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
freeman(object, vattr, gsizes = NULL, loops = any(is.loop(object)), ...)

## Default S3 method:
freeman(object, ...)



R object, see Details for available methods


other arguments passed to/from other methods


numeric, optional true distribution of types, see Details


logical, whether loops are allowed


character scalar or any vector of length equal to vcount(object), name of the vertex attribute in object designating the groups or a vector with the attribute itself


Freeman's segregation index (Freeman, 1978) is designed to capture the extent to which the defined groups of vertices tend to have more edges with vertices from the same group than with other groups. Formally, the index compares the observed number of between-group ties with the number of between-group ties that would be expected if ties would be created randomly.

Originally the index has a discontinuity for network and group size configurations that are characterized by the higher number of between-group ties that is expected under a random graph, for which it returns 0 (as originally described by Freeman (1978)). We removed that truncation such that it returns values betweem -1 and 1.

The original Freeman's formulation involves two groups of vertices. Here it is extended to the arbitrary number of groups. The generalization affects the way in which the expected number of between-group edges under pure random graph is calculated, see Bojanowski & Corten (2014) for details.

The function internally calculates the sizes of groups of vertices in the supplied attribute vattr. However, it is possible to override this by specifying "true" type distribution with the gsizes argument. It is assumed to be a table (as returned by table()) or a numeric vector with the group sizes. This may be especially usefull when dealing with large graphs and/or with large number of isolates.

If object is a table it is interpreted as a mixing matrix. Two-dimensional table is interpreted as a contact layer. Three-dimensional table is interpreted as a full mixing matrix mghym_{ghy} cross-classyfying all dyads, in which gg and hh correspond to group membership of ego and alter respectively. Layers y=1y=1 and y=2y=2 are assumed to be non-contact and contact layers respectively.

If object is of class "igraph" it is required to supply vattr with the name of the vertex attribute to calculate intermediate mixing matrix.

Method for mixing matrices

Method for "igraph"s


The value of the Freeman's index.


Freeman, Linton C. (1978) Segregation in Social Networks, Sociological Methods & Research 6(4):411–429

Bojanowski, Michał, and Rense Corten. 2014. "Measuring Segregation in Social Networks." Social Networks 39: 14–32. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2014.04.001

See Also

Other segregation measures: assort(), coleman(), ei(), gamix(), orwg(), smi(), ssi()


## White's data from Freeman's article segregation level
freeman(WhiteKinship, "gender")

# using 'more' argument
freeman(WhiteKinship, "gender")

Gupta-Anderson-May measure of within-group mixing


Measure of within-group mixing in networks proposed in Gupta, Anderson and May (1989).


gamix(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
gamix(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
gamix(object, vattr, ...)

## Default S3 method:
gamix(object, ...)



R object, see Details for available methods


other objects passed to/from other methods


character, name of vertex attribute


The measure varies between -1/vcount(g) for dissassortative mixing and 1 for perfect within-group mixing. It takes a value of 0 for proportionate mixing.

If object is a table it is interpreted as a mixing matrix. Two-dimensional table is interpreted as a contact layer. Three-dimensional table is interpreted as a full mixing matrix mghym_{ghy} cross-classyfying all dyads, in which gg and hh correspond to group membership of ego and alter respectively. Layers y=1y=1 and y=2y=2 are assumed to be non-contact and contact layers respectively.

If object is of class "igraph" it is required to supply vattr with the name of the vertex attribute to calculate intermediate mixing matrix.


Numerical value of the measure.


Gupta, S., Anderson, R., May, R. (1989) "Networks of sexual contacts: implications for the pattern of spread of HIV", AIDS 3:807–817

See Also

Other segregation measures: assort(), coleman(), ei(), freeman(), orwg(), smi(), ssi()


gamix(WhiteKinship, "gender")
gamix(EF3, "race")

Computing group sizes from square mixing matrices


group_sizes() recomputes group sizes from a full mixing matrix. This is only limited to square (single-attribute) mixing matrices.


group_sizes(mm, directed = TRUE, loops = FALSE)



numeric array with dim of (k,k,2)(k, k, 2) for some kk


logical, whether network is directed


logical, whether loops are allowed


A numeric vector of group sizes

Network mixing matrix


Creating network mixing matrices (mixingm()) and data frames (mixingdf()).


mixingm(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
  cattr = rattr,
  full = FALSE,
  directed = is.directed(object),
  loops = any(is.loop(object)),

mixingdf(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
mixingdf(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
mixingdf(object, ...)



R object, see Details for available methods


other arguments passed to/from other methods


name of the vertex attribute or an attribute itself as a vector. If cattr is not NULL, rattr is used for rows of the resulting mixing matrix.


name of the vertex attribute or an attribute itself as a vector. If supplied, used for columns in the mixing matrix.


logical, whether two- or three-dimensional mixing matrix should be returned.


logical, whether the network is directed. By default, directedness of the network is determined with igraph::is_directed().


logical, whether loops are allowed. By default it is TRUE whenever there is at least one loop in object.


Network mixing matrix is, traditionally, a two-dimensional cross-classification of edges depending on the values of a specified vertex attribute for tie sender and tie receiver. It is an important tool for assessing network homophily or segregation.

Let GG be the number of distinct values of the vertex attribute in question. We may say that we have GG mutually exclusive groups in the network. The mixing matrix is a G×GG \times G matrix such that mijm_{ij} is the number of ties send by vertices in group ii to vertices in group jj. The diagonal of that matrix is of special interest as, say, miim_{ii} is the number of ties within group ii.

A full mixing matrix is a three-dimensional array that cross-classifies all network dyads depending on:

  1. the value of the vertex attribute for tie sender

  2. the value of the vertex attribute for tie receiver

  3. the status of the dyad, i.e. whether it is connected or not

The two-dimensional version is a so-called "contact layer" of the three-dimensional version.

If object is of class "igraph," mixing matrix is created for the network in object based on vertex attributes supplied in arguments rattr and optionally cattr.

If only rattr is specified (or, equivalently, rattr and cattr are identical), the result will be a mixing matrix G×GG \times G if full is FALSE or G×G×2G \times G \times 2 if full is TRUE. Where GG is the number of categories of vertex attribute specified by rattr.

If rattr and cattr can be used to specify different vertex attributes for tie sender and tie receiver.


Function mixingm(), depending on full argument, a two- or three-dimensional array crossclassifying connected or all dyads in object. For undirected network and if foldit is TRUE (default), the matrix is folded onto the upper triangle (entries in lower triangle are 0).

Function mixingdf() returns non-zero entries of a mixing matrix (as returned by mixingm()), but organized in a data frame with columns:

  • ego, alter – group membership of ego an alter

  • tie – present only if full=TRUE, with TRUE or FALSE for connected and disconnected dyads respectively

  • n – counts


if(requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # some directed network
  net <- igraph::make_graph(c(1,2, 1,3, 2,3,  4,5,  1,4, 1,5, 4,2, 5,3))
  igraph::V(net)$type <- c(1,1,1, 2,2)
  mixingm(net, "type")
  mixingm(net, "type", full=TRUE)
  # as undirected
  mixingm( igraph::as.undirected(net), "type")
  mixingm(net, "type")
  mixingm(net, "type", full=TRUE)

Odds ratio of existence of within-group ties


Odds ratio for connected, as opposed to disconnected, dyads depending whether it is between- or within-group, i.e. how much more likely the dyad will be connected if it is within-group.


orwg(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
orwg(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
orwg(object, vattr, ...)

## Default S3 method:
orwg(object, ...)



R object, see Details for available methods


other arguments passed to/from other methods


character scalar or any vector, name of the vertex attribute or the attribute itself (as a vector)


The measure takes values, like all odds ratios, from (0; Inf).

If object is a table it is interpreted as a mixing matrix. Two-dimensional table is interpreted as a contact layer. Three-dimensional table is interpreted as a full mixing matrix mghym_{ghy} cross-classyfying all dyads, in which gg and hh correspond to group membership of ego and alter respectively. Layers y=1y=1 and y=2y=2 are assumed to be non-contact and contact layers respectively.

If object is of class "igraph" it is required to supply vattr with the name of the vertex attribute to calculate intermediate mixing matrix.


Numeric value of the measure.


Moody, Jim (2001) "Race, school integration, and friendship segregation in America", American Journal of Sociology, 107(3):679–377

See Also

Other segregation measures: assort(), coleman(), ei(), freeman(), gamix(), smi(), ssi()


orwg(WhiteKinship, "gender")

Segregation Matrix Index


Segregation Matrix Index due to Freshtman (1997). A measure of network segregation. Currently (and originally) supports only two groups.


smi(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
smi(object, normalize = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
smi(object, vattr, ...)

## Default S3 method:
smi(object, ...)



R object, see Details for available methods


other arguments passed to/from other methods


logical, whether normalized values should be returned, defaults to TRUE


character, name of the node attribute designating groups


The Segregation Matrix Index (SMI) is calculated for every group separately. It compares the density within group to the density of between group ties of nodes belonging to that group.

Non-normalized version is the ratio of the within-group density to the between-group density, so vary between 0 and infinity. The normalized version varies between 0 and 1.

If object is a table it is interpreted as a mixing matrix. Two-dimensional table is interpreted as a contact layer. Three-dimensional table is interpreted as a full mixing matrix mghym_{ghy} cross-classyfying all dyads, in which gg and hh correspond to group membership of ego and alter respectively. Layers y=1y=1 and y=2y=2 are assumed to be non-contact and contact layers respectively.

If object is of class "igraph" it is required to supply vattr with the name of the vertex attribute to calculate intermediate mixing matrix.


Numeric vector of length equal to the number of groups in g according to vattr with the values of SMI for the groups.


Freshtman, M. (1997) "Cohesive Group Segregation Detection in a Social Network by the Segregation Matrix Index", Social Networks, 19:193–207

See Also

Other segregation measures: assort(), coleman(), ei(), freeman(), gamix(), orwg(), ssi()


# smi() needs a directed network
smi( igraph::as.directed(WhiteKinship, "mutual"), "gender")

Spectral Segregation Index for Social Networks


These functions implement Spectral Segregation Index as proposed by Echenique & Fryer (2006). This index is a node-level measure of segregation in a given network.


ssi(g, vattr)



object of class "igraph" representing a network


character, name of the vertex attribute


For a full description and axiomatization see Echenique & Fryer (2006).

The network g is converted to adjacency matrix and normalized so that all rows sum-up to 1.

The procedure essentially consists of creating a submatrix, say, BB of the adjacency matrix, say AA. This submatrix BB contains only vertices of the given type. It may be viewed as a type-homogeneous subnetwork of A. This subnetwork is further decomposed into connected components. Then, for every component, an eigenvalue decomposition is applied. The value of the index for the component is simply the largest eigenvalue, and the individual-level indices are obtained by distributing it according to the corresponding eigenvector.


Named vector of individual level values of SSI. Names correspond to vertex ids in g.


Echenique, F., & Fryer Jr, R. G. (2007). A measure of segregation based on social interactions. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(2), 441-485.

See Also

Other segregation measures: assort(), coleman(), ei(), freeman(), gamix(), orwg(), smi()


if(requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {

### artificial EF data
x <- ssi(EF3, "race")

# show it on picture
a <- igraph::V(EF3)$race
# rescale SSI values to use as shades of gray
k <- 1 - scale(x, center=min(x), scale=max(x) - min(x))
plot( EF3, layout=igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold,
vertex.color= gray(k),"",
vertex.shape=c("circle", "square")[a],
vertex.label.color=gray( (1-k) > .4 )

### For White's kinship data
x <- ssi(WhiteKinship, "gender")

# plot it
a <- match(igraph::V(WhiteKinship)$gender, unique(igraph::V(WhiteKinship)$gender))
k <- 1 - scale(x, center=min(x), scale=max(x) - min(x))
plot( WhiteKinship, layout=igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold,
main="Node segregation in White's kinship data","",
vertex.color= gray(k),
vertex.shape=c("circle", "csquare")[a],
legend( "topleft", legend=c("Men", "Women"), pch=c(0,1), col=1)

(De)symmetrize square numeric matrix


(De)symmetrize square binary matrix in various ways.


symmetrize(mat, rule = c("upper", "lower", "div", "intdiv"))



square numeric matrix


character, direction of copying, see Details


Argument mat is to be a square numeric matrix. The way it is made symmetric, or asymetric, depends on the value of the rule argument.

If rule is "upper" or "lower" then mat is made symmetric by copying, respectively, upper triangle onto lower, or lower onto upper. The value of rule specifies values of which triangle will stay in the returned value.

If rule is "intdiv" then the off-diagonal values are distributed approximately equally between the lower/upper triangles. If r is the computed result, then r[i,j] will be equal to ⁠(x[i,j] + x[j,i]) \%/\% 2⁠ if r[i,j] is in the lower triangle. It will be equal to ⁠(x[i,j] + x[j,i]) \%/\% 2 + 1⁠ if in the upper triangle.

If rule is "div" then the off-diagonal values are distributed equally between the lower/upper triangles: as with "intdiv" but using normal / division.


A matrix: symmetrized version of mat.

See Also



m <- matrix(1:16, 4, 4)

# copy upper triangle onto lower symmetrically
symmetrize(m, "upper")

# copy lower triangle onto upper symmetrically
symmetrize(m, "lower")

# distribute off-diagonal values exactly
# r[i,j] = (m[i,j] + m[j,i]) / 2
r1 <- symmetrize(m, "div")
all.equal(sum(m), sum(r1))

# distribute off-diagonal values using integer division
r2 <- symmetrize(m, "intdiv")
all.equal(sum(m), sum(r2))

White's data on Effective Kinship Networks


This data is taken from Freeman (1978) who uses data from White (1975) to illustrate the segregation measure.




Object of class "igraph" with an undirected network of size 10. Vertex attribute gender, takes values "male" or "female".


Based on Freeman (1978):

White dealt with the problem of segregation among social positions rather than among individual persons. He specified a set of standard kinship positions that he called the “effective kinship network”.

Traditional analysis (e.g. Murdock, 1971) have argued that societies sometimes proscribe interaction among some kinship positions as an extension of icest taboos. Thus, given this reasoning, kinship positions should be segregated according to the gender of their occupants. White's data provide possibility to test of this hypothesis.

White collected data on the rules governing various kinds of interaction among occupants of his ten standard kinship positions for a sample of 219 societies. For every pair of positions White specified whether or not interaction between their occupants was ever restricted in any society in the sample.


Freeman, Linton C. (1978) "Segregation in Social Networks" Sociological Methods and Research 6(4):411–429


Freeman, Linton C. (1978) "Segregation in Social Networks" Sociological Methods and Research 6(4):411–429

Murdock, G. P. (1971) "Cross-Sex Patterns of Kin Behavior" Ethnology 1: 359–368

White, D. R. (1975) "Communicative Avoidance in Social Networks". University of California, Irvine. (mimeo)


if( requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE) ) {
    WhiteKinship, layout=igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold,
    vertex.color= match(igraph::V(WhiteKinship)$gender, unique(igraph::V(WhiteKinship)$gender)),
    main="White's (1975) data on kinship networks"
  legend("topleft", col=2:3, legend=c("Woman", "Man"), pch=19)