- adr::WarszawaDzielnice Warszawy
- adr::donationsdonations: wpłaty na cele charytatywne w Holandii w 1993
- adr::ncnStatystyki składania wniosków do NCN
- adr::pgssPolskie Generalne Sondaże Społeczne
- adr::pgss2Polskie Generalne Sondaże Społeczne
- adr::polpanPOLPAN: zachowania wyborcze
- adr::uczniowie_atrybutyDane o uczniach pewnej klasy podstawowej
- adr::uczniowie_relacjeDane o uczniach pewnej klasy podstawowej
- adr::wybory2015_1Wybory Prezydenta RP 2015
- adr::wybory2015_2Wybory Prezydenta RP 2015
- alluvial::RefugeesRefugees data
- cranet::avpkgsMatrix of Available Packages
- cranet::crannetSnapshot of CRAN packages
- intergraph::exIgraphSample network structure
- intergraph::exIgraph2Sample network structure
- intergraph::exNetworkSample network structure
- intergraph::exNetwork2Sample network structure
- isnar::CataniaPattern of sexual contacts in AMEN study
- isnar::EFnetExample data from Echenique and Fryer (2006)
- isnar::Galesburg2Columbia University Drug Study data 2
- isnar::IBE121Classroom network
- isnar::Input_outputInput-output table for U.S. economy
- isnar::WnetWhite's data on Effective Kinship Networks
- isnar::coauthorshipCoauthorship network
- isnar::earningsSubset of Polish General Social Survey data with data on incomes
- isnar::gender_rolesSubset of Polish General Social Survey data with response to questions on gender roles
- isnar::judge_netJudges network
- isnar::judge_net_bpBipartite judges-judgments network
- isnar::read_highland_tribesRead Highland Tribes
- linkprediction::uwUniversity of Warsaw co-authorship network
- linkprediction::uwUniversity of Warsaw co-authorship network
- netseg::CataniaPattern of sexual contacts in AMEN study
- netseg::ClassroomClassroom network
- netseg::EF3Example data from Figure III of Echenique and Fryer (2006)
- netseg::WhiteKinshipWhite's data on Effective Kinship Networks
- NSUM::CuritibaCuritiba Dataset
- NSUM::McCartyMcCarty Dataset
- oai::providersMetadata providers data.frame.
- rgraph6::d6Example vectors of 'graph6', 'sparse6', and 'digraph6' codes
- rgraph6::g6Example vectors of 'graph6', 'sparse6', and 'digraph6' codes
- rgraph6::s6Example vectors of 'graph6', 'sparse6', and 'digraph6' codes
- rgraph6::sampleg6Example vectors of 'graph6', 'sparse6', and 'digraph6' codes
- stansum::Fake_maltiel_RDDatasets generated from ARD models